Head Teacher of Saint Joseph's RC Primary School, Oldham

Head Teacher of Saint Joseph's RC Primary School, Oldham

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Month of the Holy Rosary

Dear Parents, 

Thursday (1st October)is the start of The Month Of The Holy Rosary. We will be going to church together to mark the start of this important month (parents are always invited). I have told (indeed encouraged) children they can bring in their Rosary Beads on Thursday and throughout October as we will be praying a decade each day. Click here to download the guide Mrs Dickinson has made which you might enjoy or find helpful as it explains what the Rosary is and what the "Mysteries" of the Rosary are. You may wish to say a Hail Mary each night with your child too - just an idea. 

I hope this helps


Thursday, 24 September 2015

@macmillancancer Coffee Morning

Tomorrow sees our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning fundraising event.  Please support this amazing cause.  The nurses do astounding work with people who are suffering from cancer.

Most of our classes will be singing and Year 6 will be providing their customary waiting service!

The fun starts at 9am.  Why not drop in for a brew and a chin wag after dropping off your children?

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Friday, 11 September 2015

PTA School Disco

Dear Parents

The PTA 'Back To School' disco will be held on Wednesday 23rd September.  

The infants starts at 5pm and finishes at 6:15pm (Parents/carers must stay with their children).

The junior's disco starts at 6:30pm and finishes at 8pm.

Any help to setup/tidy up would be really appreciated.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Communication Course for Parents

It is believed that over 90% of children with Autistic Spectrum Condition will have social-communication difficulties, and approximately 65% of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Social-communication difficulties are also often associated with learning difficulties, including most commonly problems with literacy.

Symptoms of social-communication difficulties include:
*       Difficulties interacting with family, friends and key care workers
*       Reduced eye contact
*       Difficulty using and reading facial expressions
*       Difficulty using and reading body language
*       Poor awareness of personal space
*       Poor understanding of emotions/empathy
*       Poor awareness of rules of conversation; e.g. turn-taking of speech
*       Go off topic/monopolise conversations
*       Non-meaningful/irrelevant speech
*       Difficulty following instructions
*       Not able to adapt speech for different listeners- e.g. talks to teacher in same way talks to peers
*       Problems understanding meaning conveyed by tone of voice/or implied meaning
*       Not giving background information when speaking to an unfamiliar person
*       Poor greeting/farewells
*       Literal and poor understanding of sarcasm
*       Often delayed development of speech

Effects of social-communication difficulties:
*       Poor parent/peer relationships
*       Social isolation - difficulty making/keeping friends
*       High levels of frustration/anxiety
*       Emotionally volatile
*       Inappropriate/poor behaviour - possibly method of disguising a lack of understanding
*       Reduced literacy skills; including reading, writing and comprehension
*       Difficulty in accessing curriculum - may cause child to fall behind academically/become disinterested in learning

BIRD is pleased to be able to offer a 'Lets Talk Together' course, aimed at parents, grandparents and carers of children with social-communication difficulties. Alison Buckley, BIRD's Speech & Language Therapist will provide parents with an improved understanding of their child's difficulties, in addition to practical advice on how to support their child's language development.

Parent feedback:
"I have found this course extremely useful, lots of useful tips, but mostly, it has made me feel more positive about my child's development."
"Excellent course. I wish I had known about this course when my child was younger."
"It was great to hear other parent's experiences and how they handle situations. I have picked up lots of useful tips."
"Brilliant course, I will be recommending it to my friends. Fun teacher, sad for the course to be finishing."
"The course has taught me lots of new ways to communicate with my child and in some cases, adults too!"

Improvements noticed in child when new strategies have been put into place:
"My son is now more vocal; he now uses words rather than just pointing."
"He is now more confident and has less anxiety about school."
"We are having fewer arguments and meltdowns and our son is now more involved in family discussions"
"My son is happier, and I feel happy knowing I can now help him to mix with children at Beavers/Cubs."
"I feel much more able to avert meltdowns and deal with them if they do happen."

This course is open to anybody, and is not limited to families already undergoing BIRD Therapy. In the same way, the course is not limited to parents of children with ASD/ADHD. If a child is presenting any of the difficulties mentioned above, then this course will be relevant. If you are at all unsure, please get in touch. 

For more information or to book a place on the course, please see attachment or contact BIRD directly on 01244 678629.
Early bird rates offered if booking before 15th September.
Course starts 10th October and runs over 3 Saturday mornings and 1 Thursday evening.
Venue: St Joseph's, Shaw, Oldham.
Helen Schielke 
Charity Manager - B.I.R.D. Charity
Old Coach House
Chester  CH4 9HT  
Registered Charity No: 326194

Monday, 7 September 2015

Sportsmen's Dinner 2015


We have again decided to organize a Sportsman’s Dinner this year in order to raise funds for sports equipment/kit for the children of St. Joseph’s, Dr Kershaw’s Hospice, The British Heart Foundation, MS Society, S.A.N.D.S, S.C.U.B.U and to fund a Defibrillator for our school. I do hope that you will be able to support us! 

This year the dinner will again be held at the Cartshaft, on Friday, 13th November, 2015. 

Our guest speaker will be Micky Quinn, the ex footballer and our comedian is Jamie Sutherland! There will be the usual Stand-Up Bingo, Raffles and an Auction. Mick “Braddy” Bradshaw will again be our MC for the evening! 

The cost per ticket will be £30.00 for which is always a great night of fun and laughter!!! 

If you are able to support us in this, our 11th Annual Sportsman’s Dinner, could you please indicate on the form below how many tickets you would like and return to school with the money enclosed as soon as possible. 
Again, many thanks as always for your continued support of this event.

Ticket request form download 

Applications to Primary and Secondary School

Please see the documents below  which contain information and dates/deadlines etc for applying for a place in a secondary school and also in a primary school - being this or any other primary school. It is of particular importance therefore to parents of pupils currently in Year 6 and pupils currently in the Nursery class.

The LA have asked schools to point out and remind parents that a place in a school Nursery does not mean automatic enrollment to primary school nor any guaranteed place in the Reception class. Admission to primary school requires the online application being made with the LA and, in the case of church schools like ours, - completion of the school's own supplementary admission form.

Primary School Admission download

Secondary School Admission Download

Primary and Secondary Admission Poster

Many Thanks

 A Dickinson

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Newman Roadshow - 8th Sept for Parents

Dear Parents,
Here is a copy of a letter which, on this occasion, I am also sending by hard copy as I want to ensure all do see this. This is a very important year of decisions for our Year 6 parents --- and will soon be for our Year 5 parents - in choosing the secondary school for your child.
I always urge that - whatever you decide - it is important to make a thoroughly INFORMED decision. Ignore what others say or think -- find out and decide for your self and the best way to do this is to meet with professionals and also go into the schools.
On Tuesday 8th September - next week - Senior leadership from Newman RC College will be visiting this school to meet both children and parents. They will talk with and answer questions from Y6 pupils and will be here after school from 3.30pm to meet parents. It is a chance for parents to be informed and to ask any questions.
We have a particular affiliation with Newman - not only because it is our Catholic feeder school - but because we are proudly part of a formal Federation of Oldham Catholic Schools.  I urge parents to use this opportunity. Please read the letter.
I am also including Year 5 parents in this communication. A number are wisely thinking ahead and Y5 parents would be most welcome also (indeed any interested parent). Children can stay here in school whilst parents meet with the Newman Staff.
I hope you find this very helpful

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Welcome Back Reminder!

Just a reminder that school starts at 9am for children tomorrow - Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Staff will be on the yards from 8:50am.